Breakfast Tinkering

Breakfast EggsEggs!

I probably never would have let the boys use our gas stove if it hadn’t been for Cub Scouts. As part of the requirements to earn a badge, they had to make themselves breakfast. My idea was to have them throw frozen waffles into the toaster and check off the box, but Cooker Guy vetoed me and said if they were going to do it, they were going to make what they actually eat.

He and CEO decided to start with an egg sandwich. First, CEO lay out all of the things he would need: cast iron pan, bacon grease, bread, tomato, sliced cheese, and previously cooked bacon. Cooker Guy showed him how to turn on the burner, grease the pan, and crack the eggs (he likes two) on the counter to drop into the pan. CEO heated the tomato and bacon, flipped the eggs, and added the cheese. Once the bread was out of the toaster, he assembled everything and ate what he said was the best egg sandwich EVER.

Fast-forward a few years. The boys are no longer in Cub Scouts (too many schedule conflicts), but they are able to cook breakfast*. CEO has expanded his repertoire to include scrambled eggs with various ingredients mixed in- tomatoes and thyme are favorites. He’s confident in using the stove, and cracking eggs… and he likes to tinker with what his ingredients, trying new spices or adding more things to the mix (like chopped up leftover potatoes. Huge hit!)

The best was the Saturday morning I woke up and thought I smelled toast cooking. Cooker Guy was away, and the boys got up well before I did. I came downstairs to find CEO at the stove, getting ready to serve the eggs.

“Hi, Mom,” he said. “I was so hungry when I woke up. Would you like some eggs? I made extra.”


*Full disclosure: One of them cooks breakfast. Bulldog’s idea of cooking is heating up the frozen waffles. And yes, he gets that from me.

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